Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Boxes

soon soon, soon i'll be outa my home. for the first time in about 3 weeks. yes, thats my life a crappy stuck at home life.
where am i going?
in half an hour i'll get a ride 'round to my friend Tilly (Matilda)'s house then its off to the 'nash' (national hotel of geelong) where my friends band 'Phillys and the Crab People' are playing tonight, me and this band have a rich and long history, i've been with this band since it was no band. infact i created the name of this band plus some stencils and random arty stuff. i havn't heard them live in some time, i'm fairly sure they have written some new stuff apparently 'bluesy' their usual genre is indie rock. they have a cd in the mix they're saving up to have it produced or something.
what else have i done today? i did some fiddling around in flash creating some productions, then surfed newgrounds to look at others i have submitted, its been over a year since i've put anything up-then i realised what the hell am i doing? creating animations is about the most time consuming thing i know and besides i get sick of anything i am working on really quick or its just too hard to get a good idea to start with, besides if i do add anything i think may be alright it'll get a very bad rating and everyone ussually baggs the shit out of it?
so i got up and started working on a painting i started yesterday something which usualy gets great reviews.
i like this painting i hope i dont lose interest in it like others i've started.
i'll explain it maybe another time.
i've been asked to little at all today, just feed the carves. i saw a dead one in a pen really skinny ribcage bones showing eyes rolled back tounge hanging out, the kind of stuff i've seen many times before on this farm
well got to go. (sorry about any spelling)

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